Home is Where the Heart is 2022 – Creating a Cozy Space

In preparation for the event, think about ways to create a cozy space in your home, room, or mind, which will allow you to enjoy the space you have and provide a way to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
Library Resource Highlight
Sit back and read the news. Search current and archived issues of local newspapers for full-text news articles, editorials, events, people, government, sports and more. Search each paper individually or search all six local papers at the same time using the links below. Requires a library card number that begins with “29041”.
New York Times: New York Times Online
- How to Hygge, the Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life by Signe Johansen.
- The Nook Book How to Create and Enjoy the Coziest Spot in the Home by Karen Hansgen
For the kids:
- Kids fort : Build a Fort With Ashley
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While you wait for the event, please take a look at the silent auction items available to you. These items will support the overall event. The auction is live through February 6.
Thank you to our honorary event committee:
Hetal Vasavada
Shawn Harris
Joanna Ho
Thank you to our sponsors