Lifelong Learning
Your support to Lifelong Learning supports new initiatives including the Makerspace Master Plan and innovative collections. Learning doesn’t end in the classroom and the Libraries find many ways to provide enriching programming for everyone.

From sewing to soldering, cooking to coding, a maker is anyone with a desire to create, innovate, and learn along the way. The Libraries aim to encourage creative failure and teach timeless skills – problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity – through STEAM activities, and to build an inclusive community of makers.
Interested in seeing a Makerspace in action? Visit the Half Moon Bay Library and then learn how to help fund equipment for other locations.

The libraries have over 2.5 million physical and online books and materials at the communities’ disposal. In addition, there are 750+ WiFi hot spots, Go Pro cameras and 100+ Ukuleles for the community to check out. The collections changes as the community needs change and your support helps meet the needs of ever changing needs.

Adult Programs
Community members reach out to the libraries to learn new skills, make friends and learn from one another. Whether it’s a cohort that learns how to run a business or a group of adults that take Zumba, each library offers a variety of programs that inspires the community to grow and learn.