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library storytime

Home is Where the Heart is 2022

The word home means different things to different people, some think of family sat around a table eating dinner, some think of a scented candle while taking a warm bubble bath, some might recall a grandparent teaching them a craft as a child and others might think about watching a movie cuddled up on the sofa with a loved one. If this global pandemic has taught us anything it really is home is where the heart is no matter what your definition may be.

As our guest, you are invited to virtually join a one hour program focused on finding warmth, comfort and enjoyment wherever you might be.  We heartily hope you will consider hosting a simple and cozy evening with fellow library lovers, book club members, friends and/or family to watch, learn together and enjoy the simple pleasures of “home”.

Through this experience, you will be able to engage in the senses, explore the resources of the libraries, and create coziness in any space, large or small. 


Register today 


Each week, all registered guests will receive weekly recommendations including books, activities, library resources and something for the kids. It will also include a link for that week’s prize drawing. This week’s prize is for an opportunity to win one of 5 Swarovski heart necklaces donated by KC UPcycle. Register early so you are able to enter every week and win a great prize provided by one of our in-kind donors.  


While you wait for the event, please take a look at the silent auction items available to you. These items will support the overall event. The auction is live through February 6.


Thank you to our honorary event committee: 

Hetal Vasavada
Shawn Harris
Joanna Ho

Thank you to our sponsors


events, fundraiser, warmth